Waterloo (Sydney), NSW 2017
Australia", "fees"=>"Unknown", "state"=>nil, "stabbv"=>nil, "coins"=>["btc"], "operator"=>"BitRocket", "verificaton"=>"ID", "details"=>"
Near Danks St Shopping Plaza, next to Sushi shop - on-street parking available and close to Central Station and Redfern Station by tax/Uber
", "lat"=>-33.898338, "long"=>151.213303}'); } window.googleMapPageName = 'atmssaudi'; window.googleMapLat = '23.8859'; window.googleMapLng = '45.0792'; window.googleMapZoom = '7'; window.googleMapCity = ''; window.googleMapCountry = 'sa'; window.googleMapState = ''; window.googleMapOperator = '';Go to the front desk inside the hospital and ask for Dr Ahmed.
Bitcoin has had a rough ride in SA.
We list a number of different crypto exchanges in Saudi Arabia.
Bitcoin wallets can be used in any country. Simply download a wallet on your iPhone or Android device.
There were rumors on Twitter that Saudi billionaires are buying Bitcoin. For now, these are just rumors and there is nothing confirmed about Saudis buying bitcoins as of now. It is estimated that around 14% of all SA residents own cryptocurrency and bitcoin.